Andrew Buikema - Gazelle Sports Activator

I got back in to running 5 years ago after a long time of inactivity and gaining an enormous amount of weight. I ran in high school, but then stopped through college and my first several years in my professional life. I led a very unhealthy lifestyle of eating and zero activity. I finally decided to turn my life around and get back in to running. My brother paced me at my first half marathon and pushed me harder than I could have imagined. It was then that I realized that I need to keep doing this if I am going to set the example for my two daughters.

I love sharing my passion of running with others. I run for my girls (13 and 10), I run for a mental release, I run for me, the pure enjoyment and the accomplishment of others as a pacer to achieve their goals!

I have had the pleasure of pacing for several races in Michigan, Illinois and South Carolina…with that experience I have also am the Race Director for the Mercy Health Seaway Run (Muskegon), pace director for the Rivertown Half (Grand Rapids), Charlevoix Half / Full and assisting with the Fifth Third River Bank Run pacers for the past several years.

Everyone has a story and it’s awesome getting to know them, who they are and WHY they run. 

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