
Staff Expert Series: Foam Rolling
This week, we are talking about Foam Rolling with Chris Spyke, Gazelle Sports Grand Rapids Assistant Store Manager. Chris will walk us through the benefits of foam rolling, showcase a...

Compression socks and recovery
The use of compression socks is another way to help aid your recovery You’ve just finished a long run after a long week. And while you are feeling pretty good...

Injury prevention and rolling
You can run comfortably and injury-free! When it comes to injury prevention, there is no one right answer for every person. However, there are a few general practices that are...
Your thighs will thank you for this one This week I offer you a product that has, I kid you not, solicited moans of ecstasy as it was applied between...
Dynamic Flexibility & Mobility
Dynamic movements are the best way to prepare your body for dynamic workouts. Contrary to old beliefs, the best time to work on static flexibility is at the end of...

The Importance of Cross Training
Though the best way to get better at running is to run - there are definitely other activities that will aid in bettering your form, strength and power. Cross training...