- Most efficient fuel for the body
- Select slower acting forms for steady energy: whole grains, legumes, low fat milk/yogurt, whole fruit
- Select simpler forms during activity – 30-60g/hour after the first hour
Common Mistakes
- 50-65% of our diet should be Carbohydrates, and at least half of them should eb from whole grains.
- Carbohydrates should be consumed every 3-5 hours
- Choose whole grain carbohydrates to avoid peaks or crashing in energy
- Supplementing appropriately during a workout
- Essential for building and maintaining muscle-mass, injury prevention
- Include at all meals and snacks if longer time between meals
- Lean choices: lean ground beef and pork, poultry, seafood, nuts, eggs, low-fat dairy, beans, seeds
Common mistakes:
- Consumption of too much protein and not enough carbohydrate
- Not consuming protein throughout the day to maintain energy
- Believing you need more
- Transports/stores vitamins; maintains cell membranes; assists with metabolism; maintains healthy skin/hair
- Poor source of fuel for workouts
- Choose heart-healthy choices: nuts, seeds, oil, avocado, olives
Common Mistakes
- Not consuming enough fat
- Consuming more saturated and trans fats rather than unsaturated fats
- The best indicator is urine. Try to keep urine pale to clear in color through out the day
- 16-24oz within 2 hours before o 6-12oz just before start
- 6-12oz every 15-20 minutes during
- Sports drink with 6-8% carbohydrate for events longer than 1 hour or high intensity/high heat
Common Mistakes
- Dehydration: throbbing headache; dizziness; severe fatigue; restlessness; confusion, nausea/vomiting
- Weight loss of greater than 2% of body weight during exercise can cause dehydration that can compromise cardiac function, metabolic reactions, and thermo regulation
- Electrolytes need to be replaced after the first hour of exercise, water is not enough to re-hydrate.
- Try to get all of the vitamins and minerals from eating colorful, varied meals.
- When looking for a multivitamin, try to find something that provides about 100% of the RDA
- Caffeine: beneficial before workout for increasing endurance-spares glycogen and aids fat metabolism
- Protein: consuming 20g protein post workout is optimal, more shows no benefit; this can come from a 20oz glass of milk
- Glucosamine: beneficial to joints in those with issues; little risk
- Fish Oil: a good idea if you do not consume omega-3 fatty acids in the diet
- Fish Oil: a good idea if you do not consume omega-3 fatty acids in the diet
Common Sports Nutrition Issues
Hitting the Wall
- Glycogen depletion due to limited carbohydrate intake - muscle glycogen storage infinite – max is approx. 80-120 minutes before depleted
- Once glycogen depleted, you convert fat = increased 0xygen uptake = fatigue (hit the wall)
- Every gram of glycogen is attached to 3g water – lack of either can impact doubly
- Stroke volume decreases due to decreased blood volume
- To maintain cardiac output, heart rate increases = fatigue
- Follow guidelines above – use sports drinks as appropriate
- Sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, hydration
- Electrolyte supplementation
Recovery Time
- Carbohdyrates are essential to restock glycogen stores – intake should be at least 60-75g carbs
- Aim for 4:1 carb/protein ratio within 1 hour after workout
- Many commercial recovery products aim to do this (Accelerade, Endurox, etc)
- Food examples: 1 1⁄2 cups Cheerios, 1 c. blueberries, 1 cup skim milk; 12 Triscuits and 1 oz cheese; 16oz chocolate milk; 1 cup Kashi Go Lean with lowfat yogurt; Power/Clif Bar with 8oz milk; 2 String cheese with 32oz Gatorade;
- Waiting too long after workouts hinders recovery
- Usually a result of poor meal timing, inadequate intake of foods