Message from our CEO
Message from Gazelle Sports CEO
At Gazelle Sports it’s common to start a day or a meeting sharing what we are grateful for. We share the big gratitudes and the little ones; from sunrises and warm coffee, to time spent with friends and family and our health or a great run and the kindness of those around us. We find that sharing what we’re grateful for is a powerful tool to start the day or refocus on the work ahead.
As 2020 comes to a close, I want to share my gratitude for our Gazelle Sports Team. This year changed and challenged most every aspect of our lives and our business. And through all of the hard days and new challenges our team has shown up and given all they can to support our business, each other and our customers. Our team has learned how to provide World's Best Customer Care through a Zoom link, with a wave during a curbside pick up and by shipping more boxes to customers' homes than ever before. We learned how to help someone find the perfect pair of shoes from 6ft away, how to connect with our community in virtual ways and we had difficult conversations about the social issues impacting our communities. The adaptability, growth, resilience and care that our Gazelle Sports team has shown this year is an inspiration and I could not be more proud.
Lastly, I would be remiss in this message to not also take a moment to share my sincere gratitude for you, our customers. Thank you for your support this year. It means more than you know to each and every one of us. We are honored to play a part in your movement journey and look forward to seeing you all again soon either on the roads, trails or at your local Gazelle Sports.
With gratitude,
Jen Brummitt