Hot Weather Running Tips
- Clothing – Choose light-colored, loose fitting synthetic fabrics. This fabric wicks the moisture away from your skin so you have a more comfortable run. It also helps reduce the chafing issue that happens in the warmer seasons. DO NOT wear cotton!!!
- Hydration – Drink fluids before, during, and after your run. If you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated! Plan your water breaks into your running route. If you are running more than 30 minutes, include an electrolyte drink. Avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, they are dehydrating.
- Avoid running in the middle of the day – Run first thing in the morning or later in the day to avoid the heat and humidity of the day. Find a shady road or trail to run on, stay in the shade!
- Sunscreen – Put it on….everyday, every time!!!!
- It’s ok to go slower in the heat – Give your body time to adjust to the heat and humidity. If you feel dizzy, or if your skin feels clammy, stop and get out of the sun.
- Socks – Moisture wicking socks are a must! NO cotton socks….makes my feet feel sweaty just thinking about it!
- Sunglasses – Great for keeping the sun and pesky bugs out of your eyes
- Running Hats – These are a great alternative for those who prefer not to wear sunglasses. Not only does this protect the eyes from the sun, they also shield the face from the suns harmful rays. Just remember to buy a running hat because it always breath-ability.
The Dangers of Heat and Humidity
When heat and humidity combine to reduce the amount of evaporation of sweat from the body, outdoor exercise becomes dangerous even for those in good shape. Key rules for coping with heat are to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration and to slow down and cool off when feeling fatigued, a headache, a high pulse rate or shallow breathing. Overheating can cause serious, even life-threatening conditions such as heat stroke. The apparent temperature, which combines the temperature and relative humidity, is a guide to the danger. Below is the heat stress index based on the apparent temperature.