Marcia Grajewski - Grand Rapids

Journey to Movement: 
My journey to movement started around the age of 18. I realized I had to take control of my health in order to stall or stop some health issues that were in my family/ genetic make up. I changed my major from Nursing to Movement Science ( Fancier way to say Phys Ed) with an emphasis in Corporate Fitness and Wellness. I wanted to learn how to help myself as well as others live a healthier life.
What's your motivation to stay active? 
My motivation to stay active is definitely my kids. I am setting an example that was not set for me as I grew up. My kids love to be active and I hope it's a lifestyle they embrace when they are in their own!
If you could eat one meal everyday, what would it be? 
A meal I could eat everyday is a plate of tacos. I did this for a week during my birthday this year. They are versitile and delicious. Best bday week EVER. 
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