
The Lydiard Method and Gazelle Sports Training ...

By Allison Land When it comes to training, there are a lot of different methods out there. You could follow the Galloway Method, the Daniels’ Method, the Hanson’s Method or...

How to train while traveling

The Gazelle Sports Activator Blog Series is written by a group of passionate individuals, willing and eager to share their personal stories of trial and triumph. Maintaining a healthy, active...

Why you should get on the Good Form Running ban...

Whether you’re an experienced marathoner or the farthest you’ve ever run is to the bathroom after eating a questionable chili dog at the state fair, the free Good Form Running...

The Marathon Taper

THE MARATHON TAPER…HOW TO ACHIEVE OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE Why Taper? Training provides the long term improvements necessary to successfully complete a marathon. Training leaves athletes a bit tired most of the...

Speed Training

MULTI-SPEED TRAINING…. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Each race distance has its own unique physiological requirements and places a different set of stresses on the body. When training to excel at...

Decline Training

DECLINE TRAINING: THE BENEFITS AND TECHNIQUES Sprinters have used downhill training for years to improve leg turnover, but it can also be beneficial to the distance runner as well and...