Finish line tears and the importance of cross-t...
By Chea Jackson, Gazelle Sports Public Relations In 2011, I ran my first half marathon. Tears were streaming down my face as I crossed the finish line. Not because I...
Marathon Memories and Motivation
By Rod Wortley, Gazelle Sports Grand Rapids Approaching the 16-mile mark of her first marathon, Erin Laplander found herself struggling. Her coach asked how she was doing. “Terrible,” she replied....
The Lydiard Method and Gazelle Sports Training ...
By Allison Land When it comes to training, there are a lot of different methods out there. You could follow the Galloway Method, the Daniels’ Method, the Hanson’s Method or...
Home again – the therapeutic power of trail run...
By Marc Lehman, Gazelle Sports Grand Rapids Another long day. Work was hectic, there’s never enough coffee, and the dog is still sick. A little red car pulls into a...
Why all runners should also be trail runners
By Trevor Wood, Assistant Merchandise Manager As a runner, I want to do the best that I can whenever I race. How do I do that? Not only would I...
Learn to be your own cheerleader
The Gazelle Sports Activator Blog Series is written by a group of passionate individuals, willing and eager to share their personal stories of trial and triumph. Maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle...