A Parents Guide to Fitting in Fitness
By Katherine Gutwald, RD As a mom of three, I understand how challenging it can be to maintain an exercise routine. Finding time for a shower can seem tough, let alone...
The Transformative Power of Running
by Elle Cheung The only thing I did in preparation for running the Detroit Women’s Half Marathon was sign up, and that was because I didn’t want to miss out...
The art of juggling (a.k.a. being a mom)
By Allison Land The start of the school year usually means some added down time for busy moms with school-aged children. It allows moms a bit of time to sneak...
Starting Out – What we can learn from new runners
By Katie Weiler, Gazelle Sports Grand Rapids Think back to when you first started running. Was it in middle school? Maybe high school? Or with a friend to stay in...
The LMCU Bridge Run is the best race ever, and ...
By Trevor Wood, Gazelle Sports Assistant Merchandise Manager Have you ever had a race that held a special place in your heart? Well the 10 mile Bridge Run (or 5k...
Gearing up for the long run
By Rob Andro, Gazelle Sports Grand Rapids Training Program Coordinator Every training program in existence has its challenges. Some are harder than others, and much of that difficulty lies in...