Giving Back: Supporting Big Brothers Big Sister...
Ten-year-old T’Sean has experienced a lot of loss in his short life, starting with the murder of his father in a gang-related shooting when he was just 3. T’Sean is...
Day 31 – Congrats on finishing 31 days of fitness!
Congratulations on sticking with us through our 31 Days of Fitness! It’s been fun! We want to leave you with one last thought: “health is not about the weight you...
Day 30 – Calling new mommas
“I am a young mother of a 13 month old, and I want to share with other mamas that you can still do what you love and be active and...
Day 29 – Top 10 for new runners
“Here are the top 10 things I try to impress upon new runners:1. If running were easy, everyone would be doing it!2. Running with friends is cheaper than therapy.3. Running...
Day 28 – Schedule your movement
“My advice: schedule time for movement and fitness, just as you would anything else. Otherwise, it’s too easy to let other things crowd them out. Setting time aside each day...
Day 27 – Listen to your body
“My advice – listen to your body. I ran the Detroit Marathon at 36 weeks pregnant. I had to live by the “listen to your body” mantra daily. It is...